Saturday, March 18 – 5:15 pm
Civil society of multimedia authors

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Saturday, March 18 – 5:15 pm
The Scam, Civil Society of Multimedia Authors, will award the Experimental Work Prize at the VIDEOFORMES 2023 awards ceremony on Sunday, March 19 at 7pm, from among the works presented below.
The jury is composed of :
Géraldine Brezault and Véronique Godé (members of the Commission des écritures et formes émergentes), Yann Chapotel (winner of the Prix de L’œuvre expérimentale 2022 for Inside), Henri Tauliaut (research artist, guest of La Scam Invite #9 and of VIDEOFORMES 2023) and Marie-Sylviane Buzin (video artist, selection committee of the international competition of VIDEOFORMES).
The films in competition were selected from three of Scam’s partner festivals: Un festival c’est trop court (Experience competition), the Festival international du court-métrage de Clermont-Ferrand (Labo competition) and Vidéoformes.
Nous le savions qu’elles étaient belles, les îles / Younès Ben Slimane / 2022 / France / 20’30
Sans autre bruit que le vent, ponctué par le crépitement du feu et le frottement d’une pelle contre la terre sèche, acclimatés à un cimetière improvisé, on y devine les contours d’une élégie dont chaque prise est un tableau en clair-obscur. Nous le savions qu’elles étaient belles ; les îles ne se contente pas de ce que lui offre sa caméra nyctalope. Un autre geste se trouve à l’origine de ce geste : celui qui engage l’ancien pêcheur Chamseddine Marzoug, dont la silhouette solitaire creuse quelques tombes en pleine nuit. Originaire de Zarzis, il est connu depuis des années pour donner une sépulture aux migrants subsahariens morts au large, afin qu’un jour il soit possible de les identifier. Entre les vestiges enfoncés ici et là et les reliefs qui s’y chevauchent, les tombes jonchent le sol au point qu’elles s’en distinguent à peine.
Backflip / Nikita Diakur / 2022 / Allemagne, France / 12’15
A digital avatar learns to move, walk and talk. Inspirational quotes from the internet drive him forward and his creators capture the process in an improvised documentary.
La mécanique des fluides / Gala Hernández / 2022 / France, Espagne / 38’47
In 2018, an incel called Anathematic Anarchist posted a suicide note on Reddit entitled America is responsible for my death. Fluid Mechanics is an attempt to find answers to his words. A virtual drift through the internet in search of his digital tracks that eventually turns into an inner journey between our connected solitudes.
La limite est une façade / Dorian Rigal Minuit / 2022 / France / 7’12
Four architectural archetypes from the Paris region are digitized and presented as archaeological artifacts in a museum. They are simple plaster without color uprooted from their urbanity. But one day their life changes, they will start to metamorphose and become organic and soft objects until they are compressed to extremes like a Caesar. Then slowly, one by one, in fantastic universes, will become themselves again until they find the skin, the color of which they were once dressed.
Le monde sublunaire / Albert Merino / 2022 / France / 10′
How do we interpret the world from the given elements? Systems can be constructed on the basis of errors or false premises, but they allow us an interpretation that often appeals to subjective feelings.