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Video competition
Saturday, March 18 - 2:30 pm
Salle Boris-Vian, Maison de la Culture, 1 Rue Abbé de l'Épée, Clermont-Ferrand

20th Cinematic Nail Factory / Dalibor Martinis / 2021 / Croatia / 7′
Video material, shot in 1999 by the author in Mustad Horseshoe Nail Factory in Karlovac (built 1925.), consists of 99 shots. Special software is developed so that, each time it is run, it generates a new random sequence of cuts. Each generated configuration of shots makes one, original author’s film “N-th Kinematic Nail Factory”. One film for each nail.

« Have You » / Bob Kohn / 2022 / France / 4’10
The video is based on the voice of Jack Nicholson in Bob Rafaelson’s film “The King of Marvin Gardens” (1972)
« Have you ever had the feeling that you were uncertain that you were where you thought to be ? »

HYSTERESIS / Robert Seidel / 2022 / Germany / 5’05
Hysteresis intimately weaves a transformative fabric between Robert Seidels’s projections of abstract drawings and queer performer Tsuki’s vigorous choreography. Using machine learning to mediate these lagged re-presentations, the film intentionally corrupts the AI’s strategies to unveil a frenetic, delicate, flamboyant visual language of the hysteria and hysteresis in this historical moment.

Once I passed / Martin Gerigk / 2022 / Germany – USA – Serbia / 10’40
In 1925, the original handwritten copy of Walt Whitman´s poem “Once I Passed Through a Populous City” was discovered, in which he writes about an affair with a man. But Whitman did not dare to publish the original version of his poem during his lifetime. The film pays tribute to the autobiographical context, the profoundly quiet, yet powerful story of two lovers.

MOVA OBORONY / Oleksandr ISAIENKO / 2022 / Ukraine / 12’13
An audio-visual play with digital image manipulation that displays body movements amidst a nameless desert,
accompanied by a constant rhythmic beat. The relationship of image and audio forms a composition between
movements that are independent of one another—in the sense that they do not attempt to illustrate each other,
but appear simultaneously adjacent, giving rise to both motor and sensory impressions.